woman with very short curly brown hair

 The holidays bring about a time of joy and togetherness like nothing else does. As you prepare to go to holiday parties, hang out with loved ones, or host celebrations of your own, the desire to look your best can nag at the back of your mind. If you continue to feel insecure about your looks, these worries can also grow to dampen your holiday spirit.

Fortunately, looking into non-surgical procedures during the holidays can help you resolve your aesthetic concerns and enhance your looks. As a result, you can obtain a happy glow throughout the holiday season and embrace the joy that it brings.

To help you through the process, here are a few of our top non-surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures in Campbell, California, that are available during the holidays.


Neuromodulators, including BOTOX, are injectables that can be beneficial in multiple areas of your face. With their ability to restrict wrinkle-causing facial movements, these minimally invasive injectables can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and also smoothen the look and feel of your skin. You can get these treatments to resolve concerns including frown lines, glabellar lines, crow’s feet, and drooping eyebrows.

Dermal Fillers

man getting dermal fillers

While looking for non-surgical procedures during the holidays, you may find dermal fillers to be an excellent choice. With their ability to restore lost volume, enhance facial structure, and reduce wrinkles, these injectables remain popular among those who want a youthful glow without intensive procedures.

You can browse through different dermal fillers to find an option that directly targets your concern. In turn, you can bid farewell to facial lines, sunken cheeks, eye bags, and thinning lips.

Liquid Facelift

woman touching her face

Many people choose to combine the power of neuromodulators and dermal fillers to get the most out of both procedures. If you opt for the same route, you can get a liquid facelift during the holidays. This set of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures targets your areas of concern to decrease wrinkles, enhance volume, and improve your facial structure. Since the treatment uses injectables, no incisions are involved. This lets you get ready for your big holiday celebrations in no time.


Even when you are happy with your figure, the appearance of accumulated fat under your chin can be troubling. If your double chin also causes you to question your self-confidence, you can look into Kybella as a minimally invasive injectable treatment. Once Kybella is injected under your neckline, it melts away excess fat gradually and safely. This helps you get a defined neckline that restores your confidence during and after the holiday season.

Find Your Ideal Non-Surgical Procedures During the Holidays

With a wide selection of treatments, it can get a bit overwhelming for you to choose an option that resolves your specific concern. In order to easily discover the most suitable holiday cosmetic treatments for yourself, you can hold a detailed consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon in the San Jose Area.

Contact Aesthetx in Campbell, CA, today to embrace a refreshed look this holiday season. By understanding your needs and concerns, we can guide you towards the most beneficial procedures for your desired aesthetic. You can make your appointment by calling (408) 559-7177 or filling out this online form.

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