
Woman wearing a sweater

How Winter Laser Skin Resurfacing Prepares Your Complexion for Summer Fun

There's no shortage of fun summer opportunities in California, whether you’re enjoying a sailboat, a trip to the beach, or a day on the golf course. As we plod through the winter months in Silicon Valley, the cooler temperatures may bring us an opportunity to help ou...

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Woman looking up

The Best Cosmetic Procedures for a Sagging Neck

For the majority of people, there is simply no avoiding the effects of aging. Time takes its toll, and while we can fend it off for as long as we can, there is ultimately very little we can do to halt its progress. One of the less-desirable effects is a sagging neck, someti...

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Advertisement for Halo Laser

Is the HALO Laser Right for You?

The HALO Laser is a minimally invasive skin care treatment that is completely customizable for each patient’s needs. The dual wavelength technology can treat several different skin concerns. Read our infographic below to find out if the HALO Laser is right for you. If you’re...

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Types of Sciton Laser treatments

Types of Sciton Laser Treatments

Laser skin rejuvenation, laser skin resurfacing, and laser hair removal are quickly gaining popularity in the cosmetic industry. With no incisions or sutures needed, laser treatments are non-surgical procedures known for their incredible results. At Aesthetx, we offer a range...

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Woman walking outside

Why Winter Is the Best Time to Get Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are some of the most popular and effective non-surgical options available. From reducing body hair to rejuvenating the skin, they can be used for a variety of different purposes. But when it comes to undergoing treatment, you may be wondering if there is an...

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