
plastic surgeon looking at a female's nose

Steps to Ensure the Best Results From Your Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is an extensive and complex surgery that affects one of the most vital exterior organs on the body, your nose. It's important to think about your postoperative care to ensure the best results and minimize any risks.We wanted to create you a short guide to hel...

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doctor looking at a patients photos

How Rhinoplasty Can Improve Your Breathing Ability

Nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty or a nose job, is a popular cosmetic procedure amongst men and women because of both its cosmetic and functional corrections. However, its functional purposes are equally or more crucial than its aesthetics. A critical benefit of a nose jo...

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rhinoplasty results

The Different Types of Rhinoplasty Explained

Deciding on rhinoplasty is a big step. But to get the most out of the procedure, it helps to understand the different types available. Because every patient is different with their own unique anatomy and cosmetic goals, no two nose jobs are the same.Rhinoplasty helps men and wo...

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Woman's side profile

5 Common Nose Shape Concerns Rhinoplasty Can Resolve

Noses come in all sizes and shapes. As your face’s most prominent feature, the ideal nose should bring balance and harmony to facial contours. However, if your nose is asymmetrical, too small or too large, or has other cosmetic issues, you may be self-conscious about it. pe...

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Ad for rhinoplasty

Interested in Rhinoplasty?

Please call (408) 559-7177 or contact us online to schedule your consultation!...

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Woman on a train

Chin Augmentation or Rhinoplasty: Which Will Boost Your Beauty Better?

One of the most significant benefits of modern plastic surgery is its nearly infinite degree of customization. At Aesthetx, each of our patients receives a one-of-a-kind procedure tailored to suit their needs, anatomy, and lifestyle. Whatever treatment you decide is the best fit...

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Rhinoplasty with power tools

Rhinoplasty The Advantages of Using Power Tools

We use high-frequency Piezoelectric tools, which provide the following benefits:shapes the bones of your nose preciselythins and reshapes cartilage easilyleaves surrounding tissue untouchedreduces tissue traumadecreases bruisingspeeds recovery...

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Doctors in scrubs

The Advantages of using Power Tools with Rhinoplasty

Dr. B in surgery performing a rhinoplasty.Rhinoplasty is as popular as ever, which means the demand for newer technology and more advanced techniques is more important than it's ever been. The process of working on the bone and cartilage in a patient’s nose is qui...

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