
Man's back

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction

People who struggle to shed unwanted fat from problem areas like the abdomen, thighs, and flanks often seek aesthetic medicine to achieve their desired body shape. They find no matter what they try, getting rid of stubborn bulges like love handles or a belly pooch is nearly imp...

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Woman in white underwear

Does Coolsculpting Work?

Much like liposuction, CoolSculpting is a body-shaping treatment designed to remove target areas of body fat. It employs the technology cryolipolysis, which freezes the fat cells by damaging adjacent tissue. Patients who find success with this non-invasive procedure look to eli...

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Side by side comparison of woman's abdomen

Three Contouring Methods to Declare your Independence from a Post-Baby Body

If you follow Instagram and Hollywood celebrities, you may have the impression that women always bounce back to their pre-baby shape after childbirth. The reality couldn't be more different.The female body undergoes tremendous changes to accommodate a growing baby and giv...

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Woman at the beach

Eliminate Banana Rolls This Summer With These 3 Options!

With summer in full swing, many of us are spending more time in our bathing suits and are noticing new bulges on our bodies that may have not been there before.  Hear from industry experts at Aesthetx, Dr. Zeidler and Dr. Hausauer, about some of the latest ways to e...

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Woman stretching

Slim Your Contour for Beach Season with CoolSculpting

  Summer is approaching, which means men and women are crunching, lunging, and jogging their way to perfect bodies. But sometimes these efforts alone aren’t enough to get the figure that meets your cosmetic goals.   While liposuction is a great option for eliminating st...

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Can You CycleBar?

Fall is almost here, meaning you may have trouble staying fit and healthy, as schedules become packed with practices, sporting events, and parent/teacher meetings. After all, getting into a “back to school” routine is hard enough, but “back to the gym?”...

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Woman in bathing suit

Achieving a Toned Tummy with Limited Gym Time!

Summer is here. It's time for beaches, boats, and showing off your body. You were faithful to the gym in January - for about a month. You’ve kept the weight down, but those stubborn fat deposits still reside around your tummy. You’ve considered eve...

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Woman touching her stomach

Fall in Love with Your Figure This Valentine’s Day, With CoolSculpting

This Valentine's Day, don’t wait for someone else to give you the perfect gift. Take charge and celebrate this holiday as an ode to self-care and self-love. It might seem like you can’t give yourself the gift of confidence, but with a body-contouring procedur...

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